How To Stop Getting Distracted
By inspirational thought of the day
Distracted as a word said that we distracted from the work we do to another unimportant work on this time.
Distraction generally when people are not in a physically and mentally present at that moment. We are physically present but mentally present at that moment.
So the question arises why these kind of thing is happen to all of the persons?
And the answer is we are not active on that moment on whatever work are doing. So how we active all that moment is simply by focus on whatever you are doing and only think about that work not other by doing these we(both i and you) are not only physically and mentally active but also that work is done in a very good maaner.
The school/college is useful for everyone, but it feels like a prison. When we go to school, we are sad and when we come from school and college we are happy/excited. A lot of people going to office every day early morning and come late too, do you want this kind of life?
Absolutely not.
Or you need an life, wherever you are working, wherever you are going, wherever you are sitting, whatever you are doing there is no difference in you, you have only fun and enjoy that moment.
Every work has a fixed time, so what is the time that is important for you, think and comment by commenting. If you are in school right now, it is important for you to go to school every day and study in college, then study and financially successful gold.
1. Do something by study or
2. Do something by doing business
That is your decision.
With this, you would have always felt that you are doing something else. While those who were doing it were forgotten, what they were doing to pass the time pass, they left somewhere else.
So what to do now, you have to work on your thinking.
We start doing something for several days, they do that work for a few days, then they cannot do it or else end it or forget it because we are not interest to what we are doing. We set an goal for a week but sometimes we don't achieve it, then we going to demotivated.
Suppose we have set a goal of exercising at 5 hours for 1 week. They do 1 hour every day for 3 days, and then they give the ends or not how they say. Don't do 4 days
So now we have to tell ourselves that we did 4 days by setting the goal, 5 days did not need to be played.
Well done 4 days They have done nothing before, but have done at least 4 days after setting goals. And to celebrate it. Because of this there is a chemical release in our brain called docamine. That will be released i.e. means to happiness. We will be tight. Whenever we are happy then this chemical is released in our mind.
Remove bad thoughts from your mind.
Now you have to tell yourself that if I can do this then I can do anything.
Now you have to tell yourself that if I can do this then I can do anything
Speak Again ... Again ... Again ...
Now look, now you have to tell yourself that at first I was not doing anything but now if I did 3 days, I can do 4 more days.
And I have to say I will succeed.
If done 4 days, I can do it for 10 days, I can do it for 12 days also. Many people did nothing but I did something.
Any small success in life, tell yourself positive words and by telling positive thoughts or words make your success big, big and big and lets celebrate them and also attach a reward system with them.
Therefore, by doing this result is amazing.
Do whatever you don't want to do.
Tell yourself " I can do everything for me, nothing is small or big"
Link small achievements with big results.
Don't thing you don't going to disracted or fail, successful peoples are also fail and distract but they always focus on what is important for them.
Stop Criticising Yourself For Your FailuresStart Appreciating Yourself For Your Achievements
By Sandeep Maheswari
Make solution oriented not problem oriented