Take 100% Responsibility Of Your Life
By inspirational thought of the day
You must take personal responsibility.You cannot change the circumstances, the seasons,Or the wind, but you can change yourself.
Jim Rohn-American foremost business philosopher
Responsibility is a 14 letters of small word but its a big big big big meaning in life's of people. Today's world every people has lots of responsibilities nor of his daliy life but also of other people also. In these you actually know how to take personal responsibility of your life.
Life is too short to live a beautiful, dramatic and peaceful life.
Enjoy your each moment of your life and take personal responsibility. You don't change the situation, conditions, seasons, circumstances, winds/air, monsoons, earthquakes and what you done in past but still you have a chance to change yourself, your condition, your behaviours and your responsibility.
Take 100% Responsibility of life.
Your whole life is just like a book and this book is open when you are born and end when your are die but in the middle of your book contains many chapters of your life some are good and some are bad some are already complete and some are left those are left you can change them to make a good chapter by learning from past circumstances.
In whole book there is only one person who can change your life and is that there is only one person responsible for the quality of your life.
Before seeing below, ask yourself.
That person is you.
If you want to be successful in life or become a super-achiver or successful stratup or hero of your life, you want to take the 100% responsibility of everything you done in your life. Its include your achievements, your pains, results you produce, experience you gain, physical fitness, your health, your thinking, your hard working, your behaviour of your life.
This is nor an easy neither an impossible.
It has approximately done by 50000+ people in his life. You are not first and last but make a responsible is a bigger achievement of your life.
Don't blame others for anything;
boss,wife,children,parents,colleagues,friends,staff,brother,sister and so on. Take your own 100% responsibility of your life not depend on any other person or animals of your own life.