How To Wake Up at 5 A.M. Every Day - Inspirational Thought Of The Day

How To Wake Up at 5 A.M. Every Day

By Thoughts of the day - May 28, 2020

How To Wake Up at 5 AM Everyday

by inspirational thought of the day

An unconventional and compassionate guide to becoming an early bird

How to wake up early in the morning

I think i was always like a stressful and owl boy/girl.
I am wake up at 8:00 or 9'O clock each day. With waking up i see i missed alarm or someday snooze it and get back to sleep. 

I think you also have an these kind of problems so you came to this article.

By reading this article and think about them and applied in your life therefore these is very helpful to you. Because this also helpful to 1000+people like you have,  who are currently top achievers in his work and life.

The philosopher Aristotle said, "It is well to be up before daybreak, for such habits contribute to health, wealth, and wisdom."


⏳ Time slapes         

In Ancient and Medieval India, people or top lifetime achievers or super-achievers like Brahmans, guru, sadhu-saint called a 'BHRAM MURAT' at 4'0 clock to 8'0 clock.

In Modern India, people called a morning time at 5'0 clock to 7'0 clock.


πŸ“–  How To Wake Up Early In The Morning By Top Achievers and History Makers

Robin Sharma book 5 AM CLUB 'Own Your Life,  Your Life'

These book is an best selling book in the world. You read this book and learn how to live an live, learn how super achievers think, learn how to wake up at 5 A.M. every day, learn how to make each day beautiful.

Sandeep Maheswari says 

Before you going to sleep say yourself 'ASAN H' , Wake Up Early in the morning 5 AM is easy ASAN H' 

This technique is really works with you because it is work with 1000+ people by experiment.

Wake up at 5 a.m. is a good for your healthset , brainset, soulset, heartset. 
Own Your Morning,Elevate Your Life.

Apple CEO Tim Cook starts his mornings at 3:45 a.m., Ellevest CEO and co-founder Sallie Krawcheck wakes at 4 a.m. and Oprah WinfreyMichelle Obama and Indra Nooyi have been known to rise at the crack of dawn.


🌟 Clarify Your Purpose For Waking Up Early

You need a reason to wake up early 5 am in the morning. If you don't have any purpose to wake up early you wouldn't do that. Clarify your purpose is the first step to wake up early in the morning every day.

It doesn't means You waking up to do nothing.  Ofcourse, you are waking up do something but it's productive for you. But you need a purpose for waking up early in the morning.

Time to going to bed give a reason strong reason for waking up in the morning both negative or positive reasons.

Positive reasons

Make your own positive reasons list. Some reasons like:-
  1. Reasons like if i am wake up early
  2. Go to walk for fit.
  3. Exercise so all classmates and each one see and say that person is so fit and strong.
  4. Read a book to become a reader.

 Negative  reasons

Make your own negative reasons list. Some reasons like:-

Reasons like if i am not wake up early 
My each day is going to waste like that. I am going to 70 80 years old and not done like that  and think that time when i was 20 or 30 year i can do this time so this time i am something else better then ever and ever.

If your define your purpose is good but if not define your purpose define it , find out why you wake up early by 5 ways analysis methods:

  1. First clarify your problems by writing on paper.
  2. Ask the question to yourself: β€œWhy is/are/does [your problem statement]?”.
  3.  Use your answer as the next problem statement.
  4. Keep asking β€œwhy” until you’ve asked it five or more times.

For example: 

I am want to become a successful person 

Why it is so important to become a successful to wake up early?

I want to wake up at 5 a.m. every day.

Why do you want to wake up at 5 a.m. every day?

I want more time to be productive.

Why do you want to be more productive?

I want to practice writing.

Why do you want to practice writing?

I want to write books.

Why do you want to write books?

I want to have a career doing something creative.

Why do you want to have a career doing something creative?

I imagine it to be the most fulfilling thing someone can do in their career.


Also Read :
πŸŒ„ How to Wake up Early 

πŸ˜•β‰οΈ Questions

So the question arises why wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning?why not at 6 or 7 a.m. in the morning? How to wake up at 5 a.m. in the morning? What to do after wake up 5 a.m. in the morning? And why these things to do not another? What benefits to do to wale up at 5 a.m. in the morning? What benefits to do these things in the morning? How many days wake up 5 a.m. in the morning? Why i am doing to wake up early in morning, all things are going to write to me? How to make a habit of wake up 5 a.m. in the morning? How do wake up early in the winter morning? Why do i automatically wake up early? How to wake up early in the morning for students? it is good to wake up early for study? How to wake up early in the morning withuoy an alarm? How to study late night and wake up early?

How to wake up early in the morning


🌞 What to do to wake up early

Even know what benefits to waking up early majority of people still feel they don't manage how to wake up early they find it vary-vary difficult to do so. Some of the tips to wake up early.

    πŸ€”It's really a tough job? 


  • Sleep Early

Most important to wake up early is to sleep early. Sleep at your regular time and get up early at next day. These is probably a little difficult for a couple of days but then you will be ok. since you have got less sleep late last night you fell it tired but then this tiredness will help to sleep early. Earlier then your regular time. 

  •  Avoid Using T.V., Phones And Laptop

Try to avoid using t.v., phones and laptops for a minimum half a hour before you go to sleep. Blue light in the electronic devices control the production of Melatonin which is a hormone that controls your sleep, the most you stay in front of them they reduces the production of Melatonin and also affects your Circadian rhythm or normally called as body care.

  • Cold Bath

Put initial days you may take cold bath, may read a book or audio books. These may also help you to sleep better. A warm shower is usually the first thing for people trying to wake up early. However, warm water can make you sleepier. Take a cold bath it wake up your mind.

  • Read a book or audio books

Read a book or audio book in the morning that inspire you or read a quotes that inspire and motivate to make your day fabulous.

  •  Put Your Alarm Away

Another important thing is to put your alarm away from bed have to get up and get out of the bed to shut it down, by the time you reach to your alarm. You will already be up and away from your bed now it up ones don't put the snooze button go back to sleep why do you wanna go back to the whole process of get up again. Never hit the snooze button, just get up and get a cold or warm shower. 

  • Purpose Of Waking Up Early

What the most important thing is you need to know why you want to wake up early? Come up with the very strong reason or most important goal that will get up early and make you work for it. 

  • Move up gradually

Unless there’s a specific reason, you don’t have to move your wake time up a full hour overnight. Instead try waking up 15 minutes earlier every day until your body grows accustomed to the change.

  •  Think Of Some Big Personalities

Try to think of some big personalities, make them your role models. Tell your mind to wake up early to be like them . you will enjoy being the nature, the quietness or silence or peace ,  bird sounds, beauty of sun light when we get up early. 

  • Make Your Bed

Many of excues you find to go to your bed each morning but if you decide to before going to bed first set a bed to sleep. So tour are not to do that ansd you wake up early in the morning.

  • Nature 

Nature is best friend, best doctor, best philosopher to help us leading a life full of happiness and joy.

  • Drink A Glass Of Water

So after you up drink a big glass of water this will help you to not sleep back and also sleep after drinking a big glass of water, if nothing that you surely get up to peak and then you go.

  • Reduced To Intake Of Coffee, Soda Or Energy Drinks

During they day time you will also need to reduced to intake of coffee, soda or energy drinks this will help you to sleep better.

  • Just say no to snooze button
No put your alarm to snooze because if you put your alarm to snooze you going to bed again and put your alarm away from your bed.

  • Nat Take Any Campaign

Try not to have any campaign after 3-4 hours in the afternoon.

  • Avoid Taking Naps

One of the most important point is avoid taking naps during a day. These really affects your sleep cycle and makes it very difficult to sleep on right time at night. A friend in need is a friend is a friend indeed.

  • Read Book Inspire You

If you wake up early then practice to read or learn something they things learn you forever.

  • Ask A Friend To Keep You Honest
Ask one of your friend who's in early rises to help you in this process they will help you to get up early and last but not the least the whole idea turn into a habit.

  • Exercise in the morning.

    Exercise in the early morning makes you fit .World simple law applicable to all of us "Survival of the fittest."

  • Minimum Of 21 Days

For a minimum of 21 days these will become your habit and you will not even need a alarm to get up early so finds these are few tips to wake up early.

If you want more tips and techniques to wake up early at 5 am in the morning comment below.


Image source - Photo from Pexels

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