Who Care Others Before Yourself? - Inspirational Thought Of The Day

Who Care Others Before Yourself?

By Thoughts of the day - May 24, 2020

Who Care Others Before Yourself?

Photo by Elly Fairytale from Pexels

People generally care about own and for them no one is important in life except yourself. But all people are not same every one is different ,therefore, most people care about others first then later think for ourself. So the question arises who are they who don't care for yourself? Absolutely none except god, mother and father the form of god. But whom people who care about themselves but not much than others? Whom are those people who in a some kind of relationship with others and sometimes not in a relationship also.

So, the answer of Why do i take care of others before/more than myself is given below:-

These are the peole who say 'I always put others first before myself'

First, name is come in my mind and absolutely almost all of them is Mother/Ma. Who care own children and also don't own children in a mother-children relationship but also care her husband, his family and own family too. She is the only one who don't care much for themselves and take care of all of them for no cost, no partially and she first stand for others problems and only he needs/wants love . Because she is called


And for mothers, words are lack but his 'tariff', respect going to increasing in each moment of life. She spends a lots of time in kitchen for making lots of dishes for our family members/children's/family members, she so all work of home alone without help of anyone ; sometimes you help them with she is quite. Some mother are work outside but its responsibility its always increasing.

Next name is Father/Dad who work for there children and for her family but not for themselves. Someday, he joy,he also live on money he earn for themselves and family but he for themselves because he earn some more for you/children and family. He fight for all others for protect our family. He is the Hero of a girl child and a boy child both. He going to carry out all efforts to fulfill all needs and wants of children and family except ourself and forget her dreams and needs/wants. He plays with and you teach you.

Both above are the first teacher of your life and helping in each moment of life and also that moment when no one help you.

And Teachers also. Teacher does not mean only who teach in school/college. But whom who teach you life lesson, whom who teach any thing in life by any method.

And who inspire you, motivate you, enjoy with you, time pass with you, talking with you, who real loves you, who don't see you cry, who celebrate your happiness, solve your problem, fought for you, your friend, your relatives, your sister and so on anyone.

And not only above but most of us giving sacrifice for becoming someone dreams true, whom scarifies his life for you , whom dream is to come true your dream , whom don't share her problems with you by think you distracted, whom carry all possible efforts made for you, whom is the life is you and you, and only you who can do all possible things you can do for them for made you, who develop you your strength, who see your capability on time you don't see, whom believe in you to made something in life, whom see something in you in time you don't believe in you.

Respect them, don't forget them, believe in them, name them.

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People all around you care about himself first than other but also people around you who cares about you before himself,  they think about you before himself. So these are three people comes in my mind i tell you above Mother, Father and Teachers . Not brother and sister.

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Take care of yourself before helping others

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