How to Wake up Early - Inspirational Thought Of The Day

How to Wake up Early

By Thoughts of the day - June 15, 2020

How to Wake up Early 

Step-by-step process how to wake up early in the morning

How to Wake up Early
Photo by Samuel Silitonga from Pexels

🌄 How to Wake up Early 

Once thing is that what is the most important thing in life to become a successful?

Name, fame, money.
But you can see that all of three is hands of you but without health all three is nothing but a dump. You are successful in front of world but you are unsuccessful in front of mirror of you.

Think is it work for you without health. Ask a question with yourself You are want  to become a healthy person?

Answer is yes you want to become a healthy and successful person.but you are know how to become a healthy person

Become a healthy person wake up early and go to park to walking, yoga and meditation. Not someday only become a regular to do this. 

You are regular? In whole world only 1% or 2% is regular wake up early and ho to do activity.

All of us known very well . But know when going to sick and go to the doctor or meet with friends or relatives in hospital. Doctor's says you can do it or god can do it; colestrol increases so much. That time realized i want to do it something.

That timd you make your mind to wake up early and do meditation,  yoga and exercise from tomorrow.  Ready for do that from tomorrow and also come with office early or complete all work early. 

Go to bed to sleep but you don't sleep at 10:30 . Then sound come in your ear of phone notification or t.v. . You think see half an hour than go to sleep , it doesn't matter for half an hour. See and see and see mobile, smartphone and t.v. time come to 11:30. And then you fresh and go to sleep time is up to 12:00 pm . 

This time you going to sleep and the thoughts come to your mind at that time is your are also late this night; not wake up early next day. However mind what to do you give one signal and mind make brances .

It means you think you are not wake up early your mind gives you a 10 thoghts, 15 thoghts, 50 thoughts, 100 thoughts, 1000 thoughts to not wake up early. It is not real made by you. 

Like you think in mind , try many times to wake up early but not work what profit to me so this times also not work. Next thought is i also wake up early someday but my eyes is not open what i can do and so on.

Then you change your alarm 6'O clock to 7 am. These time mind give you an excuse one day an article come in paper that humans requires 7 -8 hours sleep to make day happy and joyful. 

Some people reason is awful like one day i told to my friend wake up early to go to walk on park so my friend say i am not going early morning to that park because i am not like that person face or i am not want to see that person face.

Also Read:

All are problems above so comes to a problems.
Time when above all problems comes to your mind. You want to only say to yourself  'wake up early in the morning is easy easy easy'.

Repeat  'wake up early in the morning is easy easy easy'.

This time yo say to yourself a inner voice say to you, you are mad this is not an easy because you already make ip you mind for this.

Repeat  again 'wake up early in the morning is easy easy easy'.

Repeat  again 'wake up early in the morning is easy easy easy'.

3 or 4 times you say to yourself. This time mind gives you a 1000 of reasons why it is easy to wake up early. And mind goes  to different direction. That time mind you give a some other reasons different from first reasons give like only to wake up at 6 a.m. not to break the mountains, many times i wake up early to go with the train and for this i wake up at 4 a.m. and many times i am going to trip i wake up at 4 a.m. without alarm. 

Once train is miss  don't worry capture again but health is miss so don't come again. 

See clarify positive and negative thoughts to wake up early.

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